class Rosegold::Window


Slot accessor methods raise an error if the window is not ready. Note that slots are still available even after the window has been closed.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Rosegold::Client, id : UInt8, title : Rosegold::Chat, type_id : UInt32) #

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Instance Method Detail

def click(slot : WindowSlot, right = false, shift = false, double = false) #

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def click(slot_number, right = false, shift = false, double = false) #

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def close #

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def closed=(closed : Bool) #

If true, this window will never become ready in the future.

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def closed? : Bool #

If true, this window will never become ready in the future.

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def content : Array(WindowSlot) #

Slots specific to the window, ie. excluding inventory and hotbar.

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def cursor : WindowSlot #

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def cursor=(cursor : WindowSlot) #

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def drop(slot : WindowSlot, stack_mode : StackMode) #

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def drop(slot_number, stack_mode : StackMode) #

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def drop_cursor(stack_mode : StackMode) #

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def handle_closed #

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def hotbar : Array(WindowSlot) #

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def id : UInt8 #

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def inventory : Array(WindowSlot) #

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def main_hand : WindowSlot #

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def ready? #

If true, this window is in sync with the server.

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def slots : Array(WindowSlot) #

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def slots=(slots : Array(WindowSlot)) #

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def state_id : UInt32 #

Used for tracking synchronization with the server.

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def state_id=(state_id : UInt32) #

Used for tracking synchronization with the server.

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def swap_hotbar(hotbar_nr, slot : WindowSlot) #

Hotbar starts at 0.

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def swap_hotbar(hotbar_nr, slot_number) #

Hotbar starts at 0.

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def swap_off_hand(slot : WindowSlot) #

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def swap_off_hand(slot_number) #

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def title : Chat #

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def to_s(io) #

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def type_id : UInt32 #

PlayerWindow reuses id 0

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