struct Rosegold::Look


The unit circle of yaw on the XZ-plane has 0° at (0, 1), 90° at (-1, 0), 180° at (0, -1) and 270° at (1, 0).

Yaw is not clamped to between 0° and 360°; any number is valid, including negative numbers and numbers greater than 360°.

Pitch 0 is looking straight ahead, -90° is looking straight up, and 90° is looking straight down.

There are an infinite number of "down"/"up" looks with different yaw; use e.g. NORTH.down.

Defined in:


Constant Summary

EAST =, 0)
NORTH =, 0)
SOUTH =, 0)
WEST =, 0)


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Float32, pitch : Float32) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.from_rad(yaw_rad : Float32, pitch_rad : Float32) #

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def self.from_vec(vec : Vec3d | Vec3f) #

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Instance Method Detail

def down(angle : Float32 = 90) #

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def inspect(io) #

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def pitch : Float32 #

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def pitch_rad #

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def to_vec3 #

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def up(angle : Float32 = 90) #

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def with_pitch(pitch : Float32) #

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def with_pitch(pitch : Float64) #

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def with_yaw(yaw : Float32) #

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def with_yaw(yaw : Float64) #

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def yaw : Float32 #

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def yaw_rad #

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