class Rosegold::Serverbound::PickItem


Swap out an empty space on the hotbar with the item in the given inventory slot. The server selects an empty slot, swaps the items, and then sends 3 packets:

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class methods inherited from class Rosegold::Serverbound::Packet

new_raw(bytes) new_raw, state state

Instance methods inherited from class Rosegold::Packet

callback(client_or_server) callback, to_s(io) to_s, write : Bytes write

Constructor Detail

def : UInt16) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.packet_id #

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Instance Method Detail

def slot_number : UInt16 #

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def slot_number=(slot_number : UInt16) #

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def write : Bytes #

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